Prayers to Date
Day 42
1 September 2024

The Elderly

Prayers for France:

Outreach to the Elderly

Today we are focusing on outreach to the elderly population in France. Many elderly individuals face loneliness and isolation. Pray for ministries that provide companionship, care, and spiritual support to the elderly, helping them feel valued and loved.

  • Pray: for companionship and care for the elderly.
  • Pray: for elderly to be a source of wisdom and mentorship to younger generations.

Prayers for the Games:

Support for Families of Athletes

Today we are praying for the families of athletes participating in the Olympics. Families often face their own stresses and challenges. Let’s pray for their peace, support, and joy as they cheer on their loved ones.

  • Pray: for emotional support.
  • Pray: for safe travels and peace.

Take 5 minutes today to pray for 5 people you know who need Jesus! Download the free Pray for All B.L.E.S.S. card.


I Prayed