Prayers to Date
Day 32
22 August 2024

French Regions - 11

Prayers for France:

Brittany (Bretagne)

Located in the northwest, Brittany is known for its rugged coastline, medieval towns, and Celtic heritage. It boasts beautiful beaches, the Pink Granite Coast, and historic sites like the Carnac stones. One exciting ministry is the Youth Center in St. Lunaire (Centre des Jeunes - CDJ).

  • Pray: for the youth who visit this region.
  • Pray: for the staff of CDJ.

Prayers for the Games:

Encouragement for Chaplains

Today, we are praying for encouragement and strength for chaplains serving at the Olympics. Chaplains offer vital spiritual support. Let’s ask for wisdom and impact in their ministry.

  • Pray: for wisdom in counseling.
  • Pray: for effective ministry.

Take 5 minutes today to pray for 5 people you know who need Jesus! Download the free Pray for All B.L.E.S.S. card.


I Prayed