Prayers to Date
Day 18
8 August 2024

Children: Social Justice

Prayers for France:

Serving and Advocating for Children

Today, we are highlighting the church’s role in community service, particularly for children. In France, the Church is called to support marginalized communities, reflecting Christ’s love through action. Organizations like Porteurs d'Espoir are instrumental in these social justice initiatives - particularly around the Olympics.

  • Pray: for effective social justice initiatives.
  • Pray: for unity and collaboration in community service.

Prayers for the Games:

Protection against terrorist attacks

Since the terrorist attacks at the Bataclan and le Stade de France almost 10 years ago, radical Islam has continued to make France a target. Pray for all plans of the enemy to be thwarted.

  • Pray: for safety of spectators and tourists.
  • Pray: for wisdom and protection of the police and other security personnel.

Take 5 minutes today to pray for 5 people you know who need Jesus! Download the free Pray for All B.L.E.S.S. card.


I Prayed