Prayers to Date
Day 10
31 July 2024

Christian Media

Prayers for France:

Evangelical Impact in Media

Today, we are focusing on the influence of Christian publishing and media in spreading the Gospel. In France, there is a need for quality Christian literature and media that can reach a wide audience and positively impact society. Tresorsmedia is a dynamic organization that shares free resources to all to share Christ!.

  • Pray: for creativity and perseverance in Christian media.
  • Pray: for the expanded reach and influence of Christian publications.

Prayers for the Games:

Justice and Fair Play

Today, we are praying for justice and fair play in all competitions. Fairness is crucial to the integrity of the Games. Let’s pray against cheating and for all participants to compete honorably.

  • Pray: for honesty and integrity.
  • Pray: against cheating and corruption.

Take 5 minutes today to pray for 5 people you know who need Jesus! Download the free Pray for All B.L.E.S.S. card.


I Prayed