Prayers to Date
Day 06
27 July 2024

When Sports meet Faith

Prayers for France:

Faith and Sports Integration

Today, we are exploring the intersection of sports and faith, emphasizing the role of sports in ministry. In France, leveraging sports events such as the Olympics is a key opportunity to spread the Gospel and foster unity among Christians involved in sports ministries. Go+ France actively engages in such initiatives, organizing events that combine sports and faith outreach.

  • Pray: for unity among ministries during the Olympic Games.
  • Pray: for opportunities to share the Gospel through sports.

Prayers for the Games:

Blessings Over the Opening Ceremony

Today, we are praying for blessings over the opening ceremony of the Olympics. This event sets the tone for the Games. Let’s ask for a safe, joyous, and God-honoring celebration. At the same time as the Olympics begin, Paris Praise Festival 2024 kicks off as well!

  • Pray: for a safe and joyous event.
  • Pray: for God’s presence to be felt.

Take 5 minutes today to pray for 5 people you know who need Jesus! Download the free Pray for All B.L.E.S.S. card.


I Prayed