आजपर्यंत प्रार्थना
दिवस २१
11 August 2024
आजची थीम:

चर्च नूतनीकरण

फ्रान्ससाठी प्रार्थना:

Revitalizing the Church in France

Today, we are addressing the need for renewal and revitalization within the French church. In France, it is important to emphasize church planting, leadership development, and spiritual growth to strengthen and expand the church's influence in society. The network Acts 29 supports church planting and revitalization across the country.

  • प्रार्थना करा: for the renewal and revitalization of churches.
  • प्रार्थना करा: for the development of strong church leaders.

खेळांसाठी प्रार्थना:

Praying for the Closing Ceremonies

Today, we are praying for all those who will attend the Closing Ceremonies - especially the Christian athletes. They have had a unique platform to share the love of Christ and their personal journeys during this time!

  • प्रार्थना करा: for fruitfulness coming from the seeds planted during the Games.
  • प्रार्थना करा: for safety and blessing over all those involved in the closing ceremonies.

तुम्हाला माहीत असलेल्या 5 लोकांसाठी प्रार्थना करण्यासाठी आज 5 मिनिटे काढा ज्यांना येशूची गरज आहे! सर्वांसाठी विनामूल्य प्रार्थना डाउनलोड करा आशीर्वाद कार्ड

कनेक्ट करा आणि अधिक प्रार्थना करा:

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