Prayers to Date
Day 05
26 July 2024

Our Commission!

Prayers for France:

Spreading the Good News in France

Today, we are focusing on the need for innovative and effective methods to share the Gospel across different demographics in France. There is a big need for training and equipping evangelists to engage with various unreached groups, including immigrants and those in the arts, politics, and fashion. The ministry of Agapé France, which focuses on evangelism and discipleship, is vital in this mission.

  • Pray: for effective training for evangelists to reach diverse communities.
  • Pray: for the church to address the spiritual needs of the unreached.

Prayers for the Games:

Thanksgiving for God’s Faithfulness

Today, the day after the opening ceremony, we thank God for his faithfulness in all aspects of the Olympic Games. His hand is evident in every detail. Let’s ask for continued blessings and hearts filled with gratitude as the Games commence tomorrow. Confess and proclaim that God’s will be done throughout each event and every day!

  • Pray: for continued blessings on those ministries working to share Christ.
  • Pray: for hearts filled with gratitude among all those who face trials.

Take 5 minutes today to pray for 5 people you know who need Jesus! Download the free Pray for All B.L.E.S.S. card.


I Prayed