Prayers to Date
Day 09
30 July 2024


Prayers for France:

Campus Ministry and Discipleship

Today, we are focusing on evangelism and discipleship in universities. In France, it is essential to reach students with the Gospel and support Christian students in their faith. Campus ministries, such as those run by Groupe Biblique Universitaire, provide vital community and spiritual growth opportunities for students.

  • Pray: for the spiritual growth of Christian students.
  • Pray: for effective evangelism efforts on campuses.

Prayers for the Games:

Peaceful Fan Zones

Today, we are praying for peaceful and joyful fan zones across Paris. Fan zones are gathering places for spectators to enjoy the events. May these areas be filled with joy and free from conflict.

  • Pray: for harmony among fans.
  • Pray: for safety in crowded areas.

Take 5 minutes today to pray for 5 people you know who need Jesus! Download the free Pray for All B.L.E.S.S. card.


I Prayed