Prayers to Date
Day 35
25 August 2024

Supernatural Encounter

Prayers for France:

Reaching Muslims with the Gospel

Today, we are addressing the challenges and opportunities in sharing the Gospel with Muslims in France. It is crucial for the church to engage in respectful and loving outreach and pray for Muslims to come to faith in Christ, but the church does not always welcome this. Initiatives by the MENA and others are crucial in this mission.

  • Pray: for Muslims to encounter Jesus.
  • Pray: for the church to be supportive of these outreach efforts.

Prayers for the Games:

Sports Camps

The organization Sport et Foi (Sports and Faith) recently launched their week-long Camp SF 2.0 in Quévert. This is where young people aged 18 to 30 can come during the last weeks of vacation to experience greater depths of faith in Christ, centred around sporting activities with a focus on the Olympics.

  • Pray: for the safety of all participants.
  • Pray: for deep revelations in young people during this time.

Take 5 minutes today to pray for 5 people you know who need Jesus! Download the free Pray for All B.L.E.S.S. card.


I Prayed