Prayers to Date
Day 41
31 August 2024


Prayers for France:

Church Unity and Cooperation

Today we are praying for greater unity and cooperation among churches in France. Different denominations often work separately, but there is great power in collaboration. Pray for initiatives that bring churches together to work towards common goals and support each other’s ministries such at the National Council of Evangelicals of France.

  • Pray: for unity and collaboration among different church denominations.
  • Pray: for successful joint initiatives and projects.

Prayers for the Games:

Protection Against Illness

Today we are praying for protection against illness and disease during the Games. Health concerns can quickly spread in large gatherings. Let’s ask for strong health measures and divine protection over everyone.

  • Pray: for health and hygiene measures.
  • Pray: for quick recovery for the sick.

Take 5 minutes today to pray for 5 people you know who need Jesus! Download the free Pray for All B.L.E.S.S. card.


I Prayed