Prayers to Date
Day 50
9 September 2024

Long Term Impacts

Prayers for France:

Evangelism through Art and Culture

With a society steeped in arts and cultural activities, as we close our prayer initiative, we want to pray for creative expressions such as music, theater, and visual arts to bear much fruit in communicating the Gospel. Pray for artists and cultural initiatives that aim to share Christ's love through their work such as Fabricants de Joie.

  • Pray: for creativity and inspiration for Christian artists.
  • Pray: for God's love to be visibly manifested and tangibly felt

Prayers for the Games:

Fruit from Evangelistic Events

Today we are praying for the long-term impact and fruit of evangelistic events during the Olympics. As attendees and athletes return home, pray for many to encounter Jesus.

  • Pray: for long-term fruit.
  • Pray: for many to encounter Christ.

Take 5 minutes today to pray for 5 people you know who need Jesus! Download the free Pray for All B.L.E.S.S. card.


I Prayed